Saturday, March 20, 2021

Beverly Higginson

Peeking Duck

Eavesdropping girl on her mother's call

hears rapid voices rise and fall

curious young ears, sometimes misled

'peeking duck?' had her mother said?

"Peeking duck?" the girl did wonder

a sneaking duck, peeking yonder?

at a lily pad afloat on a watery reef

with a perching duck on a birch tree leaf?

or a lucky duck, free not stuck

in some oily mildew sandy muck?

or a peeking duck seeking luck

to keep his head attached to the butt

outside the sound a thwack, a quack

a squawk from the sky "get back, get back"

Mallards with unclipped wings spread wide

lifting aloft, their amber wings glide

Freedom for them

could she save one from slaughter?

a peaking duck

with his head under water?

Tousling and turning in a tangled sheet

feathers tickled her nose, her feet

her slumbered eyes still closed and shut

she reached in vain for the unlucky duck

from out of a dream, she shook her fuzzy head

this awakened girl in her rumpled bed

Oh peeking duck that cannot fly

your fate is set - you're doomed to die

only in dreams would you get away

no more peeking, no more play

someone's dinner, sad but true

oh PeKING duck, that dinner is you 

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Mehtab Mowgli

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