Saturday, March 20, 2021

Lori Wall-Holloway

Early Morning Wake Up

Early morning silence


I wake and start

to get up when I feel 

the floor begin to shake

Trembling, I race to grab

my two children

and push them to duck

cover and hold under 

our dining room table

The ground moves beneath

us and sounds like a freight

train roaring through our home

I begin to pray with my son 

and daughter to fight our fear

Earthquake stops

I check outside to see

flashlights shine in the dark

One neighbor turns

on his big wheel truck’s 

headlights to bask 

the area in light

I return inside to hear 

a small eight-year-old

voice praying furiously 

to combat fright

Anxious thoughts penetrate 

my mind because my young adult 

is not home and I don’t know 

his whereabouts

A big black Oldsmobile 

pulls up 

My mother quickly 

jumps out to make 

sure we are all right

Upset at hearing her grandson 

was not with us, she proceeds 

to do her detective work

We discover my oldest is sound 

asleep across the street at his buddy’s

having slept through the quake

Summoned to the door, he emerges 

rubbing his eyes, only to be met 

by his grandmother’s wrath

Lucky Bird

A small blue parakeet

with long tail feathers

sits on the edge of a plate 

to share a morning meal

with his owner

my mother’s father

Lucky has the freedom 

to fly through the house

and sits securely

on his shoulder 

while a black and white 

television show is aired 

or music flows from a radio

The small bird’s life 

is such a contrast 

to the lives of the grey pigeons 

my mom brings home as pets

When she can’t find them

after school, she asks her Italian 

grandfather what he knows

since he lives with them

He smiles and simply opens 

the oven door

Luck or Miracles?

“What you do?! Win the lotto?!” 
exclaims my former manager
I beam with excitement 
when I share with him 
my good fortune

A new home 
in a condo I just bought
A brand new car
after trading in a vehicle
purchased at a yard sale
Everything obtained 
within a month of each 

Was it a fluke 
for me to receive
such lucky breaks?

I say they were miracles
wrapped in love from God
Answers to prayers I prayed 
for myself and my family
over the years 

Little did I realize 
an even greater 
blessing was waiting
to be revealed

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