Sunday, March 21, 2021

Radomir Vojtech Luza

Red Rhino

Lying bed C here in room 23 

In Grand Valley Healthcare Center

In Van Nuys, CA

For over three months

I often discount my luck

And wonder what I did to

Put myself in this helpless position

Where lucky and unlucky are merely words

Disappearing with the birds

My bipolar mental illness and Lymphedema have

Put me here

Like a young King Lear

Emperor or king

President or Prime Minister

It matters not

Nature rules the lot

Tears flow down sharp cheekbones

And I talk

But please God

Let me re-learn how to walk

Lucky Duck

Some sprint through this life

At their own pace

Others seem to lack grace and

Rip their leather lace

Gazing at their face

There is no saving base

Only trembling palms

Knocking knees

Always reaching for a can of mace

When they should be placing their faults and flaws

In a platinum case

Won in a desert chase

For there was nowhere to win a civilized race

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