Sunday, March 21, 2021


Take Flight

My little ducklings…

oh, my how you’ve grown.

Mallard men with proud wings 

soaring across the ocean of sky.

I ponder in the pond 

dabbling my head below 

the surface of strength 

to bow at harbored fears.


Tidal waves of grief 

I have kept from you 

in the stillness of fathoms 

yet to be explored. 

Quack, quack, quack 

Quack, quack, quack 

Quack, quack, quack, quack 

at all the predators that would breathe in our direction. 

We were never the ducks 

to sit still and wait 

to be served as dinner. 

We were always proud birds. 

Fierce protectors of 

other orphaned or 

weak nested 

late hatchlings. 

Filtering through our pectin 

the truths and tender protein 

filled underbellies of misfortune 

into nourishment. 

Togetherness is our strength 

and as you have learned 

to take flight I see 

how you circle back for me. 

My sweetest gentle drakes 

the time draws near 

for you to fly solo. 

Take wing, keep heart 

and know that you never 

have to circle back 

for what is always a part of you…

The divine love and affinity 

of creation that pulses 

your wings in flight 

I am there with every breath. 

Every stride 

along your journey 

I will continue 

to step with you. 

There is no me without you 

and I understand 

you may feel there is no you 

without me. 

Dear one hear me 

when I say the creation 

of the parts will forever stay 

connected to the whole… 

This is why we fly in V formation.

Hôpital de Cane

I have to keep all my ducks in a row

Dot my eyes and

place a cross over my tea

Count my blessings

in feathers collected

into this pillow

I lay my head on

Here in my hospital gown

A green pasture of etchings

sketching’s of how many

close call moments recorded – in near death misses

I’m a lucky duck they say

still waddling amongst

vicious predators in this mote

But as I piddle paddle

all I see is my beautiful pond

life’s glory in every breath

wind blowing fates of divinity

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Mehtab Mowgli

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