Saturday, March 20, 2021

Jim Babwe

Answering in the Form of a Question

The Winnemucca muck

is tough to duck

and with a little luck

you can duck the muck

unless you happen to be

a woodchuck already

stuck in Winnemucca.


I'm sorry.

You did not answer

in the form of a question.

What if the Winnemucca muck

that's tough to duck

requires a little luck

to duck the muck

but the woodchuck's

already stuck

in Winnemucca?

That is a correct response.

Alex adds the following:

If you drive a truck

and get stuck in the Winnemucca muck

along with an unlucky woodchuck,

you may be able to refrain

from voicing a vulgar epithet,

but considering the circumstances,

it may also be impossible

to avoid thinking about

this same vulgar epithet.

I wish he would be right back

after this commercial break. 

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