Saturday, March 20, 2021

Shih-Fang Wang


Looking for love

It is out there


Maybe reticent 


Running faster than a hare

Quietly approach it

No haste

Slowly nurture it

With care  

As gentle as a light feather

As sweet as a rose petal

Grow it like a delicate plant

Requiring stringent nutrients

And when finally it blooms

You will be the lucky duck

If it does not survive

No blame to anyone

Maybe you have a brown thumb

Maybe it is not suitable for you


Unwelcomed Drosophila

You little nuisance

How dare you darted across 

In front of my eyes 

Then soon disappeared

I thought it was my floater 

But you reappeared in a defiant manner

Like claiming your right in my quarter

Must you sneak in between

Opening and closing of the door 

When I ventured out to the yard

Must you be allured by the musky smell of

Honeydew I had earlier

You thought you were the lucky duck 

Winning a chance to savor a gourmet treat

Rather you fall into a trap

You are not welcomed in my walled realm 

As you are way too distracting

You don’t know what you miss

Just look out the window

In the yard your pals are 

Bathing under the balmy sun 

Inhaling rich fragrance of 

Ripe apples and citruses on the trees

Imbibing mellow fruits juice of your favorite

See their jolly courtship dancing and 

Luscious mating to their desire 

While inside you are but a prisoner

Tiny and erratic like you

How can I usher you out

I am going to leave no food scrapes around

So you will starve to end yourself

And leave no room for your kind to slip in 

As to snip your chance for breeding

Soon you will be out of my sight forever


Shih-Fang Wang: After retirement from medical profession in 2016, I shifted gears and entered into the fascinating art world.  I enjoy writing and watercolor painting.  In Dr. Mira N. Mataric’s  creative writing class I started to write poems.  Through expressing emotions, depicting humanity, exploring life and nature with poems I am able to gain more insight into my inner world.


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